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Digital Marketing Tips for Startups from The Redberries

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

It is no secret that every startup struggles getting seen online. At The Redberries, we help startups create their mark using minimal resources and money, because we know the struggles of a startup and we want to help ease the pressure, not add to it.

No matter how unique the product or service is, creating an online presence that drives sales is a lot of hard and smart work.

So lets talk about how to get people to notice your startup in a sea of other businesses.

Choose a business name that is unique

It is going to take longer and more effort to create a mark for yourself if there is intense competition for the name you pick. If you are a service provider, have a common name and want to use your name for your startup; it might not be the best idea. In such instances, you can consider adding your location to your name. Don’t pick a business name that’s extremely crowded.

Have a good content strategy

Everything you post online should be a part of your content strategy. You first have to sit down and think what terms and phrases your customers and potential customers will use to search for you. These terms are called keywords. The name of your business and the product you offer are obvious keywords. The pain points you help to solve can also be used as keywords. For example: if you are a chiropractor, the pain point you help to solve could be ‘quick backpain relief’. Once you write down your keyword list and the pain points you address, your website pages, blog articles, social media posts and everything you write online should be based on them.

At The Redberries, we do the hard work for you. We first sit down with you and learn about your business and the pain points of your customers. We then do a keyword research and work with you to shortlist the top 10 keywords. Next, we transfer our learning to a foolproof content strategy that is sure to bring results.

Build credibility

Your website is your storefront. It should look good enough to attract people, entice them to browse around and ideally, make a purchase or reach out for more information. Your website should look professional, complete, easy to navigate, informative, upto date and attractive.

At The Redberries, we help our clients build amazing websites that are professional, clean and easy to navigate. Our difference is, we don’t charge you cheap and give you cheap. We make awesome affordable.

Link building

A busy store is a buzzing store. When more people click on your URL, search engines gets alerted that your website is in demand. This helps to boost rankings. Building links is like building your reputation. It is getting other people to recommend your website, the same as you asking around what the best coffee shop is in town and most of them recommend the same place.

Link building is an art that uses a fine balance of the number of total backlinks, the diversity of such links (many websites vs. the same website referring you) and their quality (are those websites spammy or authoritative). Your link profile should be honest and earned through good, old-fashioned hard work.

At The Redberries, we understand the struggles and challenges of startups and we design affordable digital marketing solutions that guarantee results. We utilise the most efficient inbound marketing tactics with the highest return on investments to increase traffic to your website. Your online marketing strategy will be revamped with up-to-date social media and content tactics, according to your requirements and your budget.

Speak to us today to see how we can help.

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